Friday, April 15, 2011

DALE CITY, Va. -- Tito “The Builder” Munoz is now considering a run for the Virginia General Assembly.

Munoz, who rose to some national prominence when he spoke at a McCain-Palin campaign rally in 2008, has announced that he is forming an exploratory political action committee called “TitoPAC” to figure out if he should run.
Munoz is against illegal immigration, supports the Economic Development and Job Creation Commission co-chaired by Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and senior economic advisor Bob Sledd, and opposes any kind of “welfare state.”
Munoz who describes himself as a “right wing conservative” held a telephone press conference to announce the formation of TitoPAC.
He said that he is considering a run because people are still upset with government, and he gets it.
“People across America have spoken loudly and clearly over the past couple of years that they are frustrated by their government – in Washington, and in many cases here at home,” said Munoz.  “While Governor McDonnell has been an excellent leader for Virginia, there are clearly some in the General Assembly who have not gotten the message,” said Munoz, who owns a Woodbridge commercial construction company.
Munoz, who immigrated to the United States from Colombia in the late 1970s, moved to Dale City in 1996 and was naturalized in 2008, said he is against illegal immigration, supports the Economic Development and Job Creation Commission co-chaired by Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and senior economic advisor Bob Sledd, and opposes any kind of “welfare state.”
Munoz said the economy is not working because decisions are taken from people by the government.
“We have to let people make their own decisions about their lives, about their families, how to create jobs and move the economy,”said Munoz, 50, who holds two associate degrees, one in civil engineering and one in construction management, from Northern Virginia Community College.
Munoz said the biggest concern facing Virginia is jobs. Munoz would run to remove “obstacles” that stand in the way of small businesses which can create jobs.
One of the obstacles is high fuel prices and Munoz supports drilling for oil off the coast of Virginia.
“It makes no sense to complain  about our dependency on foreign oil when we have oil here,” he said.
Munoz said that he recognizes that transportation is a problem in Northern Virginia. He wouldn’t raise taxes to improve it, but would instead rely on “innovation.”
Munoz created the Conservative Hispanic Coalition in Northern Virginia and supports the Tea Party movement and Americans for Prosperity along with  FreedomWorks. He said his activism within those groups has shown him that people believe that the government needs to get out of the way.
“It is clear to me that many others agree that the government very often is an impediment to achieving our success,” said Muñoz, who hosts “America Eres TU”  or  “America Is You” on Radio WURA 920AM in Quantico.
Munoz said he couldn’t say whether he was considering a run  for the House of Delegates or the Virginia Senate or which district he would run in.
“I’m just waiting to find out when they’re going to finish the redistricting and what is the situation and where I’m going to be located and then I will probably have a better answer,” Munoz said.
Senior reporter Keith Walker can be reached at 703-369-6751.

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